EX CATHEDRA | Statement of Beliefs: Safeguarding

Safeguarding is a collective responsibility. All who are in our Ex Cathedra community have a responsibility to safeguard children, young people and adults.

If you notice something that concerns you with regards to anyone in our community, or present at our activities, you must report this immediately to:

Ex Cathedra’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, Rebecca Ledgard 07377 437 502 Rebecca@excathedra.co.uk

or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Gemma King 07985 646 921  Gemma@excathedra.co.uk

Whatever your concern, you will be listened to and treated with respect.

Find our Safeguarding Policy, Plan and associated documents via the submenu on this page.

Ex Cathedra is Inspiring Singing. Ex Cathedra aspires to excellence in all that we do.

Within these two statements Ex Cathedra means many things to many people. Everyone’s experience and understanding of Ex Cathedra is unique.

All those people are our stakeholders. We include all choir and orchestra members, amateur and professional. We include all our range of audiences. We include all the children and adults who benefit from our Education and Participation programmes. We include all our staff, employed or freelance, volunteers and trustees. We include all our funders and supporters. They are of all ages. They are of any ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, ability, health level, or nationality.

What must be true, always, for all these diverse stakeholders, is that Ex Cathedra is a joyous experience across the whole range of our output, whether within our concert activities or our extensive programme of education and participation.

That means that whoever you are, and however you participate and connect with us, and whenever you do so, you are entitled to feel safe, at ease, respected, and welcome.

We have professional practices, policies, and language that uphold this truth, and safeguard the interests of all.

If ever you feel that this is not the case, or observe actions which are not entirely consistent with these entitlements either for yourself or others, then you will be listened to. We will want to hear from you, privately, confidentially, and with respect. We will take your input seriously, working hard to respond to your concern, and we will communicate sensitively with you.

This is the most important promise that we make.