EX CATHEDRA | Compliments, comments & complaints

Latest policy update: June 2023

We are keen to ensure that every experience with Ex Cathedra is a positive one.  We welcome and value feedback as this enables us to listen, learn and to improve what we do, and how. In short, your compliments, comments and complaints help us continue to strive for excellence.

This policy applies to members of the public and organisations wishing to comment on, compliment or complain about a concert or project we have delivered, or the way in which it was delivered.

If your comment or complaint relates to a safeguarding matter, please also refer to our Safeguarding Policy. Ex Cathedra employees should make use of the relevant handbook policies. 

Complimenting us

Compliments are valuable and important to us and when they are received they will be recorded and reported on.

Compliments enable us to:

  • Understand what we do well and the positive impact we have
  • Provide positive feedback to our people
  • Influence the ongoing development of what we do

Commenting on our people or our work

It is always helpful to hear what people think about us; what we do and how we do it.

Compliments and comments are very welcome because they:

  • Help to influence the decisions we make
  • Help us to maintain the highest possible standards
  • Raise issues which can lead to change for the better

We will endeavour to acknowledge compliments and comments wherever possible but whilst this may not always be practicable, please be assured they are always appreciated.

Complaining about our people or our work  

We recognise that there will be times when our trustees, staff and volunteers or third parties working on our behalf make mistakes, or get things wrong. Where this happens and where we receive a complaint, we will always take this seriously, record and report on it internally and externally if required, and deal with it in a timely manner.

 If you wish to make a complaint, please refer to the process set out below.  It is open to you to begin the process at the second stage if you wish, but, unless you consider the complaint to be of a serious nature, we hope that you will be willing to try and resolve the matter through the first stage. Please note that we will not be able to respond to a complaint if you have not identified yourself or provided your contact details.

You can telephone, email or write with your complaint to:

Telephone: 0121 616 3410

Email: info@excathedra.co.uk

Address: General Manager, Ex Cathedra, CBSO Centre, Berkley Street, Birmingham B1 2LF

Please note that complaints regarding facilities or staff at the venues we use can also be addressed directly to those venues, which include:

  • Town Hall or Symphony Hall should be addressed to B:Music, Symphony Hall, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EA
  • St Paul’s Church should be addressed to The Vicar, St Paul’s Church, St Paul’s Square, Birmingham B3 1QZ

Stage 1

Tell, and preferably write to or email, a relevant member of staff outlining your concern/s.  You should do this within one month of the event which gave rise to your dissatisfaction.  The member of staff concerned will endeavour to work with you to reach an amicable resolution.

If your concerns are specifically about the Artistic Director, General Manager or Director of Education, you should write to the Chair of the Board of Trustees at the above address.

Stage 2

If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, you should write to the Chair of the Board of Trustees with your complaint. 

Your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days.

The Chair will either personally undertake an investigation or arrange for a suitable senior member of staff to prepare a written report within 28 days.  This will include the opportunity for you to explain the circumstances of your complaint.

The Chair will consider the report and write to you with his/her conclusions and any proposed course of action.