EX CATHEDRA | Contact us

For enquiries about concerts Ex Cathedra can offer:

We would be delighted to hear from you. We are always able to offer a wide range of repertoire, and are happy to tailor programmes to suit you. Please email Peter Trethewey.

For enquiries about education projects Ex Cathedra can offer:

If you have a new enquiry about Ex Cathedra’s education and participation projects please email Shelley Mann in the first instance.

Board of Trustees

John Clemson MBE
Paul Keene
Sophie Kernthaler
Joy Krishnamoorthy
Alok Nayak
Peter Phillips (Chair)
Prof John Pymm
Jill Robinson
Prof Judith Smith
Prof Paula Whitehouse

Young Person Representative Gabriella Liandu
Singing Medicine Ladywood Choir Representative Sue Ahmed

Artistic Director & founder

Jeffrey Skidmore OBE


Our team mix working from the office with working from home, and most are part-time, so email is usually the quickest way to reach the right person.

General Manager Peter Trethewey email
Finance Manager Ayesha Khan email
Finance & Administration Coordinator Paul Memmory email
Individual Giving Officer Julie Watson email
Concerts Producer Melissa Brown email
Director of Education & Participation Rebecca Ledgard email
Education & Participation Manager Shelley Mann email
Education & Participation Creative Digital Asst Sarah Batten email
Academy of Vocal Music Coordinator Julie Watson email

Ex Cathedra
CBSO Centre
Berkley Street
Birmingham B1 2LF
+44 (0)121 616 3410

Company registration no.2396173
Registered charity no.1004086