Divine Art Records MEX77125
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We are thrilled to present this CD of music by Liz Dilnot Johnson in her 60th birthday year. We have loved working closely with Liz for several years, as she explains in the booklet:

“This album celebrates my creative relationship with Ex Cathedra over the last nine years and as [a] composer-in-residence since 2021. The recording was made in three intense days at the Bradshaw Hall (Royal Birmingham Conservatoire), the warm but clearly defined acoustic revealing the choir’s exceptional vocal skills.

“The first eight tracks span nearly forty years of my composing life, up to A Wild Midwinter Carol [2022] – the first of my new set of ‘eco-songs’. The second half of the album presents When A Child Is A Witness – requiem for refugees – one of the largest and most ambitious collaborations with Ex Cathedra so far, and winner of an Ivors Composer Award 2022.”

Read a Q&A with Liz Dilnot Johnson about the CD.


“an artistically ambitious and emotionally compelling work that is firmly rooted in the contributions of the participants … evocative music with a purpose and meaningful sense of engagement.” (Ivor Composer Awards – jury citation)

“a commission from Malvern-based Liz Dilnot Johnson, The Windover, depicts a soaring falcon riding the thermals… in the English choral tradition but with interesting choral wind rustling effects and some memorable high voice writing which builds to a stirring vocal climax as the sun breaks over the horizon.” (www.midlandmusicreviews.co.uk review of our 2021 performance)

When A Child Is A Witness – Requiem for Refugees [2022]